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3 Day Cleanse Online

  • 5 Days
  • 9 Steps


Feel lighter, renewed, regenerated and restored Find clarity on your path ahead It takes 3 days to remove toxins from your body. When this heaviness falls away you have a clearer awareness of what's happening underneath. - Focus on your body's health to move towards complete wellness - Calm the busy thoughts within your mind - Consciously and lovingly face anything that comes up for you - Releasing what you feel is holding you back. Holly will hold Sacred Space for you throughout Choose the means of communication that works best for you. ~ Messenger, Facebook group, email, text, What's app. ~ You will have access to; - A Sattvic menu, vegetarian recipes to assist the cleansing process - Detailed information to guide you on your journey - Live support with Holly - Gentle Yoga to shift the toxins & nurture your body - Guided Meditation to find peace & clarity within your mind & so much more Lift the veils to see the truth of your light within.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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